Monday, July 29, 2013


With all of the increased attention placed on tanning beds there are many individuals who are using the natural sun to achieve their tan. Many individuals all around the world can sunbath over half of the year, but others may only get a few months of valuable sunbathing time. Regardless of how much time you have to get a natural tan you are still encouraged to remember that that sunbathing is not completely safe.
Naturally bathing in the sun is safer than tanning beds; however, there are still risks associated with it. There are a number of sunbathing safety tips that natural tanners can use. These tips are not guaranteed to prevent a sunbather from getting burned or developing skin problems, but they may help reduce the risk and keep you healthy.

Sunbathers are encouraged to use sunscreen. You may be wondering why you should use screen when the point of sunbathing is to get a sun tan. Sun screen is used to protect your skin; however, it will not necessarily prevent yourself from getting a sun tan. Even if a sun screen with a low SPF is used it is still better than not having anything to protect your skin.

An avid sunbather can not just apply sunscreen once and then leave it at that. Sunbathers are encouraged to regularly apply sun screen to their body every few hours. This time may need to be increased depending on a few factors. Even though there are sunscreens that claim to be waterproof they do not always offer the same results after coming into contact with water. Sunbathers who swim or sweat a lot while sun bathing are encouraged to reapply their sunscreen even more often. Occasionally adding additional sunscreen will not prevent yourselves from achieving a tan.


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