Monday, July 29, 2013

How can you avoid sun damage?

sunbatheYou can protect your skin by following a few basic rules for your skin type.
Choose one statement from the list below that best describes your skin type. Imagine you are sunbathing in spring for the first time, without wearing any sunscreen.

Skin type 1: I always burn, I never tan.
Skin type 2: if I spend an hour in the sun I feel slightly burnt the next day. After seven days I have a slight tan.
Skin type 3: if I spend an hour in the sun I feel slightly burnt the next day. After seven days I am moderately tanned.
Skin type 4: I never feel burnt after spending an hour in the sun. After seven days I am very tanned.

Certain medicines can cause hypersensitivity to the sun's rays and cause severe eczema from sunbathing.
Consult your GP before sunbathing if you are taking any medication.
All skin types should stay out of the sun at the hottest times of the day (11am to 3pm).
Having pale skin that doesn't tan, red hair and freckles puts you in the highest risk category for sunburn and long-term sun damage. Over exposure can cause skin cancers many years later – so cover up and be safe now!


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